Saturday, August 14, 2010

Well I haven't blogged here in awhile- but really I haven't had any reason to. The only riding I've done is working. All of our horses are in the mountains, to me this is like the ultimate heartbreaker because I had just started riding Storm bareback. But on the bright side I'm finallly comfertable enough in her neckreining to put her in a tom thumb bit, up until now shes just had a snaffle. I know that took a long time but thanks to several of our horses who  weren't trained to neck rein well enough when they were in snaffle or hackamore there was no way I was putting her  in a bit until I thought she was a hundred percent ready.
We're getting the three year olds in to work with them , round pen or no round pen. I'm so tired of waiting around for something that isn't gonna happen so we're just gonna have to work around that large mountain little bump, that somehow sprung up in the road.

I'm thinking about merging this blog back with the other one- it just doesn't get enough use. I'll see how frequently I use it while we're training the colts.
Nickers and Whinnies,
Kyle, Celia, Stormy, and Shine