Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday, week one

I worked with that little PIA Gypsy again today but missed out on yesterday because... I don't really remember why, skittles.
Anyway today we started out with the usual grooming and I tried some Ttouch on her. No response, at all. Maybe I did something wrong because the horses normally respond right away when we do Ttouch, but with Gypsy, nothing, no leaning into it or even sighing contedly or chewing, just nothing at all. I decided to try playing. I took her out in the pen next to Tiggy and took off running to see if she'd follow me or show any interest at all. It is so frustrating, everything I do nothing, I try to do things I think would fit her personality but constantly run in to dead ends. Finally I just gave up on trying to get a response out of her and drug her out on a walk, she seemed to enjoy that a little better. I slowly drag around and she grazes, very progressive. I did convince her to run with me and she seemed to enjoy that but that was the most response I got. After that I decided we had enough progress that I decided to end it.
Yesterday was Shining's birthday but I didn't get to celebrate it because I didn't have time to hunt her down and give her the customary party, poor thing. I think we might celebrate it Friday though.
Also apparently I'm having a comment glitch so until I ether a. solve the problem or b. change to a layout with a comment box that works my email is or so yeah, hope ya'll have a great day!