Sunday, June 27, 2010

I'll take a Morgan, or a horse

I'm still searching diligently for a horse, not sure what breed or anything-preferably a Fjord, Morgan, Mustang, Arab, or Welsh, maybe a Walker though or another gaited breed. I'm trying to stay away from QHs this time, I mean I love my Quarters, I wouldn't trade Storm for the world, but I need something different. I'm hoping[if I don't find the perfect horse before] to pick up a something in October, they always have several unregistered, different breeds of horses that go dirt cheap. If I see a Fjord there this year I will not let it slip away again! I still regret letting the last little Fjord mare. I guess I'd take a nice little Morgan mare over a Fjord though I suppose.. I've totally fallen in love with Morgans recently, I mean is this not the cutest little thing you've ever seen:

And look at this gorgeous stud:
I love how they carry themselves:
And have such sweet faces:

[Not my pics]
First hand I have hardly any experience with Morgans. When I was in middle school one of my best friends had a crazy hyper little Morab-but she def more Arab then Morgan. Recently the only Morgans I've been around are one of the guys we ride with in the mountains owns too hulking Morgans, there cute tough little horses and keep up with the best of our Quarters.
You'll definitely being hearing more about my horse hunting this summer=]


Lexa said...

*chant* Paso, paso, paso!
Haha. Just kidding. If Morgans were a little hard to get used to I'm sure Pasos would be way more difficult. Morgans are very beautiful though.
You should try a Rocky Mountain Horse? They're kind of like Pasos but more American-ized I think. Good luck horse hunting!
P.S. I'm in love with that picture of the black Morgan with the red mane. GORGEOUS.

Kyle said...

Heheh I love Pasos's gait but I don't think I could ever get used to them, I'd probably figure out how to undo their gaits:\[eheh]
As soon as you brought up Rocky Mountains I immediately got on dreamhorse and looked at them, I'd forgot what a pretty breed they are! and of course they reminded me of Cracker horses so I had to look at them too. That adds to more breed possibilties=D