Friday, July 2, 2010


I love jumping, but haven't really jumped at all since Celia got cripppled, of course sage jumping, but that doesn't count. Last Saturday I got the brilliant idea that we could make our own jumping course.
So true to our roots Mary and I went all out and what we got was a somewhat redneck jumping course-complete with tires and barrels, which we haven't used[hence the lack of pictures]
Unforetunatley the pictures we got of our more basic jumps didn't turn out so great because of the camera quality.
Ted likes to jump about a mile before he should
But by the end of this session he was getting better
Up and ovver
She looks frightened
Mary has the tendency to ride close to her horse and pull back when she jumps
Teke is an excellent jumper, but gets carried away and I forgot to lift myself
Gyps got led over a few
I totally look the part in skinny jeans and vans, of course=]
Rita and I tried to sync, it didn't work
Mary prefers Ted but she'll ride Teke
Ha, yep thats been my horse involvement for the last week, an amazing time jumping!


Lexa said...

Wowwww I admire your balance and leg muscles!! I can't believe you can jump without a stirrup!!

Kyle said...

Ha years of practicing falling off, when I first learned to ride my dad wouldn't let me use a saddle cuz he said I needed to learn balance, so now bareback anything is always preferred.